


art & games

story & photo

time & motion

kayak & play



Copyright © John Paul Bichard 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, nor stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the authors with the exception of the case in which brief quotations are embodied in information, articles, etc,
[art & games]
Artworks that mostly engage the digital game space plus games research projects.
[story & photo]
Photo essays, portrait landscape and play photography.
[time & motion]
Lo-fi video sketches starting with the Stockholm Story series.
[kayak & play]
Hydropia: explorations and adventures in kayaks, including our round Sweden expedition.
Welcome to Ideal Milk, home to the Milk Factory: Interventions, observations & declinations that make up John Paul Bichard's world of art, digital games and photography.